Food, Mood, and Trauma
How what you eat and what you've been through affect your mental health and what to do about it
Hello, gorgeous human. You've landed here to learn more about this heart-centered, transformative online experience designed to empower you to eat well, have a stable mood, and experience peace in your body.I can't wait to tell you more.
Read on for the juicy details...

© Allison Durazo. All rights reserved.

Course Details
If you are like me and 95% of people who have tried online courses, you don't finish them.Even with the best intentions, it can feel impossible to get through it all on your own, and harder still to implement it. That's why this course is different...Here you can connect with a small group online and receive bite-sized, easy-to-implement, science-backed strategies to know exactly how to eat and how to resolve those pesky triggers that tank your mood. If you need live paced encouragement, this course might be just the thing.This 16-week small group coaching experience has no more than 10 people and provides:
Live weekly 90-min group coaching experiences
Personalized weekly email lessons and encouragement
Short videos to give you just what you need to feel better, week-by-week
It's not fancy or particularly high-tech, but these are real people on real journeys. And there's extra heart and a side of playfulness to make your personal transformation a smooth and enjoyable process!Hopefully, at $87/week it won't break the bank.(That's $1392 in total for 4 months of support.)
About the facilitator
My name is Allison Durazo, and because of my own decades-long struggle with depression, eating disorders, and volatile moods, I can relate to struggles with food, mood, and trauma. Eating and living should be a joy, but that wasn't always the case for me.The good news is: a lot can change in 4 months with a few targeted shifts! I've done the dirty work for you and collected the most impactful pieces into small bits you can implement without overwhelm or deprivation.Born with an insatiable curiosity about humans, I have spent my professional life learning all I can about various therapies to support wellness.I earned a bachelor's degree in Dietetics, a master's in Occupational Therapy, a second master's in Integrative Medicine and Nutrition, and I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. All of this study has crafted a broad lens through which I view human health journeys...but more than anything, I have learned that humans heal best in community--where they have space to express their needs and challenges, and reliable and kind encouragement for simple practices that bring energy and vitality.I love nothing more than being with others on their healing journey and helping them create sustainable patterns. If you want to hear more, are curious, or are ready to dive in, please reach out by filling out the form below.

Curious or ready?
If what you've read resonates, fill out this little form, and I will reach out to you personally to answer any questions you have about this opportunity.(Rest assured--there will be no pesky sales call...Just a conversation with another human being about whether this actually would be a good fit for your needs.)

Thank you
Your attention is one
of your most valuable resources.
Thank you for bringing a bit of it here.May you find the exactly right path for greater wellness of your spirit, body, and mind.